Privacy Policy | Zultra Labs

Last revised May 16, 2021

Zultra Labs ("Company", "we", or "Zultra Labs") has created this Privacy Policy to explain how we collect and use data in connection with our mobile applications. We reserve the right to make revisions to this document at any time. By using our applications you acknowledge and agree to our privacy policy.

Data we collect:

Data you provide us:

Third Party Advertising Networks used by Zultra Labs:

For more privacy information regarding advertisements, please refer to each respective advertising network's privacy policy mentioned above.

The data that we collect is only used for analytical purposes and is not linked to any user's identity. The data that we collect allows us to make improvements to the performance and user experience of our application. Additionally, if you opt to provide your device's advertising identifier, that data will be used by our third party advertising networks to show you personalized advertisements. We do not knowingly collect, store, distribute, or use any data other than the data mentioned previously.